

I’m Faye…your heart and soul are very welcome here.

Let’s chat about embracing our true cyclical nature, freeing ourselves from past patterning, and get ready to transform from the inside out.


Hey beautiful one,

My dharma is to empower people to connect with their own intuitive nature, to be able to live a vibrant healthy, connected life…to actually live, not just exist.

My relationship with my Self has totally transformed through awakening the wisdom of my body, so much so that I can’t NOT share it!

I want every being to feel whole & complete exactly as they are, and to create the life of their dreams.

I want every being to live intuitively, wild and free!

Faye xx


Programmes I love to share…


A 3 month 1-2-1 Transformation Package

Embody the cyclical nature of an Ayurvedic lifestyle

Evolve your habits & rituals

Thrive in Conscious Community


Hit reset, feel vibrant from within

15 days of nourishing cleanse

Twice a year…

The next one begins March 25th 2024


 Free self-care in Spring



“The most important relationship we can have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self discovery”. - Aristotle

  • “Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in”.

    — B.K.S Iyengar

    Align to universal energy, and you become vibrant, resilient, grounded & alive.

    You free yourself from addictive behaviours, cravings, self doubt and comparison.

    Learning the language of your body helps you to trust its voice when it is telling you what it needs to bring back inner harmony and vibrancy.

  • “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

    — Wayne Dyer

    The biggest obstacle on your journey of self discovery & holistic health is your own mind. The thoughts that your mind creates from past patterning are the barriers between you and your deep desires.

    The answer to overcoming self sabotaging behaviours, is your own ability to befriend and retrain the parts of yourself that get in the way.

  • “Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow”.

    — Rumi

    You care deeply…about the planet, about making a difference in the world, and about the health & happiness of the people around you. And so you give, a lot!

    Together we can make much bigger leaps of change when we look after ourselves first, creating sustainable self energy and giving from the overflow. When we don’t…we burn out, it’s that simple.

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